5 fun things to do after speaking out which don’t involve hiding in a dark room
You know that feeling - you’ve plucked up the courage, you’ve hyped yourself up and you’ve said that thing you always wanted to say. You felt GREAT in the moment, and yet… minutes later, you’re questioning yourself wondering, ‘what the HELL have I just done?’.

It’s a term that’s thrown around left, right and centre by the personal development world.
Often you’ll get a wishy-washy version of what it is, most likely telling you to repeat something three times to boost your self-belief.

I have a love-hate relationship with the LOA.

Fear of ‘success’ - because who’s scared of making more money? 💰
Fear of success, what is it?
Sometimes people link it to earning more money... but everyone wants to earn more money, right? So in which case, what's actually going on?

Feeling agitated? Here’s how to get a spring in your step >>>
You know how it is…. It’s March, the mornings are lighter, the promise of spring is there - and yet, if you’re in the UK, it’s still bl**dy cold and that winter coat that you thought you would have packed away by now is still very much making an appearance.

It’s time to get rid of clothes you don’t feel good in…
It's March, spring is (vaguely) in the air and I don't know about you, but once this snow has gone that we've currently got in the UK, I've got a feeling it might be time to do some spring cleaning very soon 🌸
3 ways to get back on track right now - even if you’ve fallen way off.

Slowing down is a superpower
You longed for long summer nights. You feel cheated somewhat that the sunshine didn’t appear as much as you’d hoped. Summer simply slipped through your fingers. And somehow now, it’s September already again….

Confidence: it’s not just skin deep
It all begins with an idea.

How to know if a decision is right for you (without asking a million other people)
To be confident is not just skin deep. It's not just about doing confidence; it's about being (wholey, truly, wholeheartedly) confident. It's about getting under the skin, it's about getting to the real nitty-gritty, the heart and core of who you are.

My journey to becoming a coach
It was March 23rd 2020; I'd been in my part-time drama teaching role in a school that day. You could smell the apprehension, the feeling of uncertainty, the sense of, 'how the heck are we still here?!'…

Want to flip your script? Work with a coach!
You’ve been running round “like a headless chicken”* and wondering if you’ll ever reach your goals. You’re tired of passively watching on as your colleagues get promoted…