How to know if a decision is right for you (without asking a million other people)
To be confident is not just skin deep. It's not just about doing confidence; it's about being (wholey, truly, wholeheartedly) confident. It's about getting under the skin, it's about getting to the real nitty-gritty, the heart and core of who you are.

My journey to becoming a coach
It was March 23rd 2020; I'd been in my part-time drama teaching role in a school that day. You could smell the apprehension, the feeling of uncertainty, the sense of, 'how the heck are we still here?!'…

Want to flip your script? Work with a coach!
You’ve been running round “like a headless chicken”* and wondering if you’ll ever reach your goals. You’re tired of passively watching on as your colleagues get promoted…